One of the most popular design system Material-UI is integrated to Data Driven Forms to make building React forms as fast as possible with the least amount of boilerplate. Via Data Driven Forms mui-component-mapper users can start using Material React components to write complex forms just in seconds.

About Data Driven Forms

Data Driven Forms is a open source React library that uses a data driven approach for building React forms. This approach is based on rendering JSON schemas as React forms with all needed functionality provided by the renderer. It includes features such as validationconditional fields and many more. It helps web developers to write forms much quicker, simpler and to achieve a consistency across the whole application.

About mappers

A mapper is a set of components integrated with Data Driven Forms API. This set allows users to write forms without any need to implement their own components, so they can immediately write fully working forms with a wide range of features (displaying errors, wizard forms, etc.) You can also check the other mappers including components from Semantic UI ReactAnt Design or BlueprintJS.

About Material-UI

Material-UI with more than 61k stars is one of the most popular React libraries and it provides tens of flexible components for building all types of UIs following Google’s Material Design.

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Introducing Material-UI component mapper for Data Driven Forms
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