Python has become a very popular tool for analysing data. These days it comes with support from many tools to do machine learning, data querying, neural networks and exploratory analysis. In this course we will investigate the use of scikit-learn for machine learning to discover things about whatever data may come across your desk.
Feel free to follow along!
Applied Data Analysis in Python Machine learning and Data science with scikit-learn
The session covers:

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
  • 0:01:17 Fitting Data
  • 0:30:06 Machine Learning
  • 0:41:02 Correlation
  • 1:12:13 Clustering
  • 1:51:08 Clustering images
  • 2:07:23 Summary

The course material is freely available at


#python #machine-learning #data-science #scikit-learn #developer

Applied Data Analysis in Python Machine Learning and Data Science | Scikit-Learn
12.30 GEEK