In this video we will be learning why is Docker Container essential, what is Docker and Containers?, what is virtualization, Vm vs. Docker Container, benefits of Docker Container, architecture of Docker, how Docker Container works, and how to create Docker Containers. Docker is an open-source platform that helps a user to package an application and its dependencies into a Docker Container for the development and deployment of software. Containerization includes all dependencies (frameworks, libraries, etc.) required to run an application in an efficient and bug-free manner. With Docker Containers, applications can work efficiently in different computer environments.

Below are the topic we will be looking in the video:
1. Why is Docker Container essential?
2. What is Docker Container?
3. What is Virtualization?
4. VM vs Docker Container
5. Benefits of Docker Container
6. Architecture of Docker
7. How Docker Container works?
8. How to create Docker Containers?


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Docker And Containers Explained | Containerization Explained
1.75 GEEK