In earlier days, testers spent hours testing a particular functionality and still never got 100% results. Nowadays, with many intelligent software testing tools in hand, testing has become a whole new phase in itself. Manual errors and testing time have been reduced, and the results are more accurate than before.

There are many software testing tools available in the market, each having their own advantages and features. Let’s explore some of the best tools to ease software testing.

Automated testing tools

Automated software testing tools help in executing functional and regression tests in the application. These tools should produce consistent results with the incoming data provided.

  1. Selenium
  2. Test Studio
  3. Testim
  4. LoadRunner
  5. WebLoad
  6. Blazemeter
  7. JMeter
  8. Xray
  9. TestRail
  10. Testpad
  11. Jira
  12. Mantis
  13. Netsparker
  14. SoapUI
  15. LambdaTest
  16. SauceLabs
  17. Espresso

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Top 17 Software Testing Tools to Know as a Tester
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