If you have a slow computer or you somehow can’t install Docker using the official Docker Desktop installer, you might want to use your Raspberry Pi (or any other server you have) to be your dedicated Docker server.

Recently I had the problem that I could not install Docker Desktop in my VM that was running on my Unraid server. The problem is that on Ryzen CPUs nested virtualization is not (yet) supported on the OS that I used. Nested virtualization means that you can run a VM inside a VM.

Remember good old memes?

So I could not use the official Docker for Mac installer to install Docker, I had to find another way.

The answer to this was docker-machine.

What is docker-machine?

docker-machine is a CLI program from Docker that allows you to use docker as you would normally, but execute the commands on a server instead. This is useful if you have multiple servers running docker and you can control them all by just changing the docker environment with one command docker-machine env YOUR_ENV.

If you don’t have docker-machine installed, try to install it with your OSs package manager or download it from GitHub.

#servers #programming #docker #docker-machine #raspberry-pi

Use your Raspberry Pi as a Docker server with docker-machine
1.75 GEEK