Get familiar with some common JavaScript interview questions so they don’t catch your off-guard during the interview.

An interview is an important part of the hiring process. It gives insights about the skillset, knowledge, and the ability of an individual to take on challenging tasks. It is also one of the most reliable ways for an employer to filter out unsuitable candidates for a job post.

As a JavaScript developer, you must prepare yourself before appearing in an exam or an interview. It will increase your chances to get hired by a reputed company.

Now you might be wondering where to start the preparation or what questions will they ask in the interview.

So, to help you out, I’ve compiled a list of commonly asked JavaScript Interview Questions. Each of these questions has a brief answer which you can review below.

In the end, you will be a bit more confident to answer any question of your interviewer. So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

  • What is JavaScript?
  • List some advantages of JavaScript?
  • Should we use internal or external JavaScript?
  • Why WordPress plugins like Autoptimize aggregate JavaScript Code in one file?
  • What is JavaScript Hoisting?
  • Predict the output of the following code?
  • What is JavaScript “Strict Mode”?
  • What are some alternatives to Svelte?
  • What are Self Invoking Functions?
  • What is the difference between “var”, “let”, and “const”?
  • What is the difference between “==” and “===”?
  • Is there any difference between “null” and “undefined” keywords?
  • Differentiate between “function declaration” and “function expression”?
  • What is a Closure?
  • Predict the output of these two functions? Will they return same the output or not?
  • What is NaN?
  • Explain the for-in loop?
  • What is Event Bubbling and Capturing?
  • What is the difference between JavaScript and ECMA Script?
  • How to create a cookie using JavaScript?

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20 Common JavaScript Interview Questions
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