Vue 3 is here. One of the biggest features in Vue 3’s release is Vue’s new Composition API. As developers begin building more large-scale projects with Vue, some of the underlying challenges of code organization, readability, and reusability have become more apparent. The goal of the Composition API, which is inspired by React Hooks, is to simplify your components, improving readability and organization, and make it easier to reuse code throughout your application.

The Composition API will not only allow developers to use it over component options, but it also adds in composition functions, which can be used over Vue’s other methods of code reusability (e.g., mixins and scoped slots). In this article, we’ll outline the drawbacks that Vue 2 had in terms of reusability, readability and organization, and highlight the ways that the Composition API addresses those issues.

Wijmo’s Vue 3 Plans: The Wijmo team is working hard to make sure that Wijmo’s controls are ready for Vue 3 on launch. Wijmo is dedicated to providing powerful components, such as FlexGrid, to help Vue developers build their applications with ease.

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The Vue 3 Composition API - Getting Started
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