Immutable lists and other collections, which are as fast as their native Flutter

Fast Immutable Collections





This package provides:

  • IList is an immutable list
  • ISet is an immutable set
  • IMap is an immutable map
  • IMapOfSets is an immutable map of sets

Fast Immutable Collections is a competitor to the excellent built_collection and kt_dart packages, but it’s much easier to use than the former, and orders of magnitude faster than the latter.

The reason it’s easier than built_collection is that there is no need for mutable/immutable cycles. You just create your immutable collections and use them directly.

The reason it’s faster than kt_dart is that it creates immutable collections by internally saving only the difference between each collection, instead of copying the whole collection each time. This is transparent to the developer, which doesn’t need to know about these implementation details. Later in this document, we provide benchmarks so that you can compare speeds (and you can also run the benchmarks yourself).


An IList is an immutable list, meaning once it’s created it cannot be modified. You can create an IList by passing an iterable to its constructor, or you can simply “lock” a regular list. Other iterables (which are not lists) can also be locked as lists:

/// Ways to build an IList

// Using the IList constructor                                                                      
IList<String> ilist = IList([1, 2]);

// Locking a regular list
IList<String> ilist = [1, 2].lock;

// Locking a set as list
IList<String> ilist = {1, 2}.lockAsList;

To create a regular List from an IList, you can use List.of, or simply “unlock” an immutable list:

/// Going back from IList to List

var ilist = [1, 2].lock;

// Using List.of                                  
List<String> list = List.of(ilist);                               

// Is the same as unlocking the IList
List<String> list = ilist.unlock; 

An IList is an Iterable, so you can iterate over it:

var ilist = [1, 2, 3, 4].lock;

// Prints 1 2 3 4
for (int value in ilist) print(value);  

IList methods always return a new IList, instead of modifying the original one. For example:

var ilist1 = [1, 2].lock;

// Results in: 1, 2, 3
var ilist2 = ilist1.add(3);

// Results in: 1, 3
var ilist3 = ilist2.remove(2);             

// Still: 1, 2

Because of that, you can easily chain methods:

// Results in: 1, 3, 4.
var ilist = [1, 2, 3].lock.add(4).remove(2);

Since IList methods always return a new IList, it is an error to call some method and then discard the result:

var ilist = [1, 2].lock;

// Wrong
print(ilist); // 1, 2

// Also wrong
ilist = ilist..add(3);              
print(ilist); // 1, 2

// Right!
ilist = ilist.add(3);              
print(ilist); // 1, 2, 3                        

IList has all the methods of List, plus some other new and useful ones. However, IList methods always return a new IList, instead of modifying the original list or returning iterables.

For example:

IList<int> ilist = ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Dominic', 'Carl'].lock   
   .sort() // Alice, Bob, Carl, Dominic
   .map((name) => name.length) // 5, 3, 4, 7
   .take(3) // 5, 3, 4   
   .sort(); // 3, 4, 5
   .toggle(4) // 3, 5
   .toggle(2) // 3, 5, 2

IList constructors: IList(), IList.withConfig(), IList.fromISet(), IList.unsafe().

IList methods and getters: empty, withConfig, withIdentityEquals, withDeepEquals, withConfigFrom, isDeepEquals, isIdentityEquals, unlock, unlockView, unlockLazy, unorderedEqualItems, flush, isFlushed, add, addAll, remove, removeAll, removeMany, removeNulls, removeDuplicates, removeNullsAndDuplicates, toggle, [], +, firstOrNull, lastOrNull, singleOrNull, firstOr, lastOr, singleOr, maxLength, sort, sortLike, asMap, clear, indexOf, put, replaceFirst, replaceAll, replaceFirstWhere, replaceAllWhere, process, indexWhere, lastIndexOf, lastIndexWhere, replaceRange, fillRange, getRange, sublist, insert, insertAll, removeAt, removeLast, removeRange, removeWhere, retainWhere, reversed, setAll, setRange, shuffle.

IList Equality

By default, ILists are equal if they have the same items in the same order.

var ilist1 = [1, 2, 3].lock;
var ilist2 = [1, 2, 3].lock;

print(ilist1 == ilist2); // True!

This is in sharp contrast to regular Lists, which are compared by identity:

var list1 = [1, 2, 3];
var list2 = [1, 2, 3];

// Regular Lists compare by identity:
print(list1 == list2); // False!

// While ILists compare by deep equals:
print(list1.lock == list2.lock); // True!

This also means ILists can be used as map keys, which is a very useful property in itself, but can also help when implementing some other interesting data structures. For example, to implement caches:

Map<IList, int> sumResult = {};

String getSum(int a, int b) {
   var keys = [a, b].lock;
   var sum = sumResult[keys];
   if (sum != null) {
     return "Got from cache: $a + $b = $sum";
   } else {
     sum = a + b;
     sumResult[keys] = sum;
     return "Newly calculated: $a + $b = $sum";

print(getSum(5, 3)); // Newly calculated: 5 + 3 = 8
print(getSum(8, 9)); // Newly calculated: 8 + 9 = 17                     
print(getSum(5, 3)); // Got from cache: 5 + 3 = 8

However, ILists are configurable, and you can actually create ILists which compare their internals by identity or deep equals, as desired. There are 3 main ways to do achieve:

  1. You can use getters withIdentityEquals and withDeepEquals:

    var ilist = [1, 2].lock;
    var ilist1 = [1, 2].lock;              // By default use deep equals.
    var ilist2 = ilist.withIdentityEquals; // Change it to identity equals.
    var ilist3 = ilist2.withDeepEquals;    // Change it back to deep equals.
    print(ilist == ilist1); // True!
    print(ilist == ilist2); // False!
    print(ilist == ilist3); // True!
  2. You can also use the withConfig method and the ConfigList class to change the configuration:

    var list = [1, 2];
    var ilist1 = list.lock.withConfig(ConfigList(isDeepEquals: true));
    var ilist2 = list.lock.withConfig(ConfigList(isDeepEquals: false));
    print(list.lock == ilist1); // True!
    print(list.lock == ilist2); // False!
  3. Or you can use the withConfig constructor to explicitly create the IList with your desired configuration:

    var list = [1, 2];
    var ilist1 = IList.withConfig(list, ConfigList(isDeepEquals: true));
    var ilist2 = IList.withConfig(list, ConfigList(isDeepEquals: false));
    print(list.lock == ilist1); // True!
    print(list.lock == ilist2); // False!

The above described configurations affects how the == operator works, but you can also choose how to compare lists by using the following IList methods:

  • equalItems will return true only if the IList items are equal to the iterable items, and in the same order. This may be slow for very large lists, since it compares each item, one by one. You can compare the list with ordered sets, but unordered sets will throw an error.
  • unorderedEqualItems will return true only if the IList and the iterable items have the same number of elements, and the elements of the IList can be paired with the elements of the iterable, so that each pair is equal. This may be slow for very large lists, since it compares each item, one by one.
  • equalItemsAndConfig will return true only if the list items are equal and in the same order, and the list configurations are equal. This may be slow for very large lists, since it compares each item, one by one.
  • same will return true only if the lists internals are the same instances (comparing by identity). This will be fast even for very large lists, since it doesn’t compare each item. Note: This is not the same as identical(list1, list2) since it doesn’t compare the lists themselves, but their internal state. Comparing the internal state is better, because it will return true more often.

Global IList Configuration

As explained above, the default configuration of the IList is that it compares by deep equality: They are equal if they have the same items in the same order.

You can globally change this default if you want, by using the defaultConfigList setter:

var list = [1, 2];

/// The default is deep-equals.
var ilistA1 = IList(list);
var ilistA2 = IList(list);
print(ilistA1 == ilistA2); // True!

/// Now we change the default to identity-equals. 
/// This will affect lists created from now on.
defaultConfigList = ConfigList(isDeepEquals: false);
var ilistB1 = IList(list);
var ilistB2 = IList(list);
print(ilistB1 == ilistB2); // False!

/// Configuration changes don't affect existing lists.
print(ilistA1 == ilistA2); // True!

Important Note:

The global configuration is meant to be decided during your app’s initialization, and then not changed again. We strongly suggest that you prohibit further changes to the global configuration by calling lockConfig(); after you set your desired configuration.

Usage in tests

An IList is not a List, so this is false:

[1, 2] == [1, 2].lock // False!

However, when you are writing tests, the expect method actually compares all Iterables by comparing their items. Since List and IList are iterables, you can write the following tests:

/// All these tests pass:

expect([1, 2], [1, 2]); // List with List, same order.
expect([1, 2].lock, [1, 2]); // IList with List, same order.
expect([1, 2], [1, 2].lock); // List with IList, same order.
expect([1, 2].lock, [1, 2].lock); // IList with IList, same order.

expect([2, 1], isNot([1, 2])); // List with List, wrong order.
expect([2, 1].lock, isNot([1, 2])); // IList with List, wrong order.
expect([2, 1], isNot([1, 2].lock)); // List with IList, wrong order.
expect([2, 1].lock, isNot([1, 2].lock)); // IList with IList, wrong order.

So, for comparing List with IList and vice-versa this is fine.

However, expect treats Sets differently, resulting that expect(a, b) may be different from expect(b, a). For example:

expect([1, 2], {2, 1}); // This test passes.
expect({2, 1}, [1, 2]); // This test does NOT pass.

If you ask me, this is all very confusing. A good rule of thumb to avoid all these expect complexities is only comparing lists with lists, set with sets, etc.

IList reuse by composition

Classes IListMixin and IterableIListMixin let you easily create your own immutable classes based on the IList. This helps you create more strongly typed collections, and add your own methods to them.

For example, suppose you have some Student class:

class Student {
   final String name;   
   String toString() => name; 
   bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || other is Student && runtimeType == other.runtimeType && name ==;  
   int get hashCode => name.hashCode;

And suppose you want to create a Students class which is an immutable collection of Students.

You can easily implement it using the IListMixin:

class Students with IListMixin<Student, Students> {

   /// This is the boilerplate to create the collection:
   final IList<Student> _students;
   Students([Iterable<Student> students]) : _students = IList(students);
   Students newInstance(IList<Student> iList) => Students(iList);
   IList<Student> get iList => _students;   

   /// And then you can add your own specific methods:
   String greetings() => "Hello ${_students.join(", ")}.";

And then use the class:

var james = Student("James");
var sara = Student("Sara");
var lucy = Student("Lucy");

// Most IList methods are available:
var students = Students().add(james).addAll([sara, lucy]);

expect(students, [james, sara, lucy]);

// Prints: "Hello James, Sara, Lucy."

Flushing the IList

As explained, fast_immutable_collections is fast because it creates a new collection by internally “composing” the source collection with some other information, saving only the difference between the source and destination collections, instead of copying the whole collection each time.

After a lot of modifications, these composed collections may end up with lots of information to coordinate the composition, and may become slower than a regular mutable collection.

The loss of speed depends on the type of collection. For example, the IList doesn’t suffer much from deep compositions, while the ISet and the IMap will take more of a hit.

If you call flush in an immutable collection, it will internally remove all the composition, making sure the is perfectly optimized again. For example:

var ilist = [1.2].lock.add([3, 4]).add(5);

Please note, flush is a getter which returns the exact same instance, just so that you can chain other methods to it if you want. But it does NOT create a new list. It actually just optimizes the current list, internally.

If you flush a list which is already flushed, nothing will happen, and it won’t take any time to flush the list again. So you don’t need to worry about flushing the list more than once.

Also, note flush just optimizes the list internally, and no external difference will be visible. So, for all intents and purposes, you may consider that flush doesn’t mutate the list.


Depending on the global configuration, the collections will flush automatically for you, once per asynchronous gap, as soon as you use them again.

For example, suppose you take a collection and add and remove a lot of items, synchronously. No flushing will take place during these process. After the asynchronous gap, as soon as you try to get, add or remove an item from it, it will flush automatically.

The global configuration default is to have auto-flush on.

Advanced usage

There are a few ways to lock and unlock a list, which will have different results in speed and safety.

Suppose you have some List. These are your options to create an IList from it:

  • .lock will create an internal defensive copy of the original list, which will be used to back the IList. This is the same doing: IList(list).

  • .lockUnsafe is fast, since it makes no defensive copies of the list. However, you should only use this with a new list you’ve created yourself, when you are sure no external copies exist. If the original list is modified, it will break the IList and any other derived lists in unpredictable ways. Use this at your own peril. This is the same doing: IList.unsafe(list). Note you can optionally disallow unsafe constructors in the global configuration by doing: disallowUnsafeConstructors = true (and then optionally preventing further configuration changes by calling lockConfig()).

These are your options to obtain a regular List back from an IList:

  • .unlock unlocks the list, returning a regular (mutable, growable) List. This returned list is “safe”, in the sense that is newly created, independent of the original IList or any other lists.

  • .unlockView unlocks the list, returning a safe, unmodifiable (immutable) List view. The word “view” means the list is backed by the original IList. This is very fast, since it makes no copies of the IList items. However, if you try to use methods that modify the list, like add, it will throw an UnsupportedError. It is also very fast to lock this list back into an IList.

  • unlockLazy unlocks the list, returning a safe, modifiable (mutable) List. Using this is very fast at first, since it makes no copies of the IList items. However, if (and only if) you use a method that mutates the list, like add, it will unlock it internally (make a copy of all IList items). This is transparent to you, and will happen at most only once. In other words, it will unlock the IList lazily, only if necessary. If you never mutate the list, it will be very fast to lock this list back into an IList.


When you lock a Map<K, V> it turns into an IMap<K, V>.

However, a locked Map<K, Set<V>> turns into an IMapOfSets<K, V>.

/// Map to IMap
IMap<K, V> map = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.lock;

/// Map to IMapOfSets
IMapOfSets<K, V> map = {'a': {1, 2}, 'b': {3, 4}}.lock;

The IMapOfSets lets you add / remove values, without having to think about the sets that contain them. For example:

IMapOfSets<K, V> map = {'a': {1, 2}, 'b': {3, 4}}.lock;

// Prints {'a': {1, 2, 3}, 'b': {3, 4}}
print(map.add('a', 3)); 

Suppose you want to create an immutable structure that lets you arrange Students into Courses. Each student can be enrolled into one or more courses.

This can be modeled by a map where the keys are the courses, and the values are sets of students.

Implementing structures that nest immutable collections like this can be quite tricky. That’s when an IMapOfSets comes handy:

class StudentsPerCourse {   
  final IMapOfSets<Course, Student> imap;
  StudentsPerCourse([Map<Course, Set<Student>> studentsPerCourse]) : _studentsPerCourse = (studentsPerCourse ?? {}).lock;
  ISet<Course> courses() => imap.keysAsSet;
  ISet<Student> students() => imap.valuesAsSet;
  IMapOfSets<Student, Course> getCoursesPerStudent() => imap.invertKeysAndValues();
  IList<Student> studentsInAlphabeticOrder() => imap.valuesAsSet.toIList(compare: (s1, s2) =>;
  IList<String> studentNamesInAlphabeticOrder() => =>;
  StudentsPerCourse addStudentToCourse(Student student, Course course) => StudentsPerCourse._(imap.add(course, student));
  StudentsPerCourse addStudentToCourses(Student student, Iterable<Course> courses) => StudentsPerCourse._(imap.addValuesToKeys(courses, [student]));
  StudentsPerCourse addStudentsToCourse(Iterable<Student> students, Course course) => StudentsPerCourse._(imap.addValues(course, students));
  StudentsPerCourse addStudentsToCourses(Map<Course, Set<Student>> studentsPerCourse) => StudentsPerCourse._(imap.addMap(studentsPerCourse));
  StudentsPerCourse removeStudentFromCourse(Student student, Course course) => StudentsPerCourse._(imap.remove(course, student));
  StudentsPerCourse removeStudentFromAllCourses(Student student) => StudentsPerCourse._(imap.removeValues([student]));
  StudentsPerCourse removeCourse(Course course) => StudentsPerCourse._(imap.removeSet(course));
  Map<Course, Set<Student>> toMap() => imap.unlock;
  int get numberOfCourses => imap.lengthOfKeys;  
  int get numberOfStudents => imap.lengthOfNonRepeatingValues;

Note: The IMapOfSets configuration (ConfigMapOfSets.allowEmptySets) lets you choose if empty sets should be removed or not. In the above example, this would mean having courses with no students, or else removing the course automatically when the last student leaves.

/// Using the default configuration: Empty sets are removed.
StudentsPerCourse([Map<Course, Set<Student>> studentsPerCourse]) 
   : _studentsPerCourse = (studentsPerCourse ?? {}).lock;

/// Specifying that a course can be empty (have no students).
StudentsPerCourse([Map<Course, Set<Student>> studentsPerCourse]) 
   : _studentsPerCourse = (studentsPerCourse ?? {}).lock
       .withConfig(ConfigMapOfSets(allowEmptySets: true));

1. Why Immutable Collections (and immutable objects in general) are useful?

2. Benchmarks Summary

3. The Motivation for the IMapOfSets Collection Class

4. The Implementation’s Idea

Basically, behind the scenes, this is what happens when you pass a List to an IList, the other collection objects follow the same idea:

  1. A new copy of the object is made with List.of, so the original object won’t be modified at all.
    1. When you add an element to the IList, it will be registered as an immutable property behind the scenes, and not added to the original List.
    2. When you add a collection of elements (Iterable) to the IList, it will also be registered as an immutable property, as a new copy of the Iterable if necessary to ensure the original won’t be changed.

5. Other Resources & Documentation

The docs folder features information which might be useful for you either as an end user or a developer:

File Purpose
different_fixed_list_initializations.dart Different ways of creating an immutable list in pure Dart and their underlying implementations Resources for studying the topic of immutable collections
uml.puml The UML diagram for this package (Uses PlantUML)

6. For the Developer or Contributor

6.1. Formatting

This project uses 100-character lines instead of the typical 80. If you’re on VS Code, simply add this line to your settings.json:

"dart.lineLength": 100,

If you’re going to use the dartfmt CLI, you can add the -l option when formatting, e.g.:

dartfmt -l 100 -w . 

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Author: marcglasberg

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Immutable lists and other collections, which are as fast as their native Flutter
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