Well…hand pose recognition can help you along your way. Hand pose recognition uses deep learning to detect different landmarks in your hand. By joining these landmarks you’re able build a 3D mesh of your hand, and specifically the pose it’s in. In this video you’ll learn how to build your very own hand pose estimation app with Javascript, Tensorflow.JS and React.JS.

In this video you’ll learn how to:

  1. Setup a pre-trained hand pose deep learning model
  2. Build a hand pose app using your webcam
  3. Detect hand landmarks in real time

Get the code (GitHub): https://github.com/nicknochnack/HandPoseDetection

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHXa4OpASJEwrHrLeIzw7Yg

#tensorflow #javascript #react

Real Time AI Hand Pose Estimation with Javascript, Tensorflow.JS and React.JS
10.50 GEEK