A Small Deno Module, to Render Your Markdown Files in The Terminal

Deno terminal markdown

🚧 This module is in early developement, expect breaking changes 🚧

Also not yet released in any repository. Until than, you can use it with the raw urls

Enables you, to render a markdown text into a string, which printed in the terminal provides a formatted output, instead of plain text.


As its core, it currently uses https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-from-markdown, to get the AST.

This module draws heavily from @dephraims work with https://github.com/dephraiim/termd.

Try it out

To see a general capabilities of this module run:

deno run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/littletof/terminal_markdown/master/example.ts

To see, how a specific markdown gets rendered run:

deno run --allow-read https://raw.githubusercontent.com/littletof/terminal_markdown/master/example.ts ./README.md


import { renderMarkdown } from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/littletof/terminal_markdown/master/mod.ts';

const md = Deno.readTextFileSync(Deno.args[0]);

The main functions are also exported from the module, so you can use the toAST function to get your ast for the markdown and process it yourself.

Also, since its a wrapper for mdast-util-from-markdown, you can pass extensions to it in the options, which should work too.

Direct use

For direct use in the terminal run cli.ts:

deno run --allow-net https://raw.githubusercontent.com/littletof/terminal_markdown/master/cli.ts -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/README.md

Or install it with deno install

It has three options:

  • -s for rendering a string directly: -s "# markdown string"
  • -l for rendering a local file: -l ./README.md
  • -r for rendering a remote file: -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/README.md


The module itself requires no permissions to run.


  • No syntax highlight
  • No table formatting
  • No strikethrough or underline
  • Some hiccups with more complex markdowns

These could change in the future, but the aim is to keep minimal complexity.


Feedback and contributions are always welcome. Open an issue or a PR, or contact me on the Deno discord.


  • [ ] fix lists
  • [ ] remove dots from codeblock backgrounds
  • [ ] strikethrough and underline and combinations
  • [ ] links with images
  • [ ] # Header with *italic*
  • [ ] Look into alternatives for the AST generation.

Download Details:

Author: littletof

Source Code: https://github.com/littletof/terminal_markdown

#deno #nodejs #node #javascript

A Small Deno Module, to Render Your Markdown Files in The Terminal
6.00 GEEK