Android development tips hacks for both intro and experts

In todays world the most used smart phones are the android phones and hence there are a lot of mobile app development companies that have come up and they have developed a lot of innovative apps and on the other hand there are a lot of android app developers who are coming up and there are already a lot of experienced guys we are giving some of the hacks for both the freshers and the experienced guys in the below blog that could help the android app development

Lets first consider the hacks for the freshers

Knowledge of the language
When you want to develop the android apps the first thing is to learn some of the programming languages and the basic language that you need to learn for the app development for android is java, as a starter you to need to have the basic understanding of java as the programming language and then you should also have the knowledge of kotlin which was released by google at the later stage in 2017 .These are the programming languages that you need to know if you want to become a better android app developer

Android Studio
Android studio an IDE for android app development released by google again Android studio has various tools frim where you can develop the android apps much faster With Android studio it is easy to code,edit,ddebug and t has easy deploy system with these features you can easily build a high quality mobile apps

Android sdk
Sdk is a software development kit and android sdk is the must have when you are developing the android apps Android sdk is powered with various tools necessary to develop test and debug the apps

Activity or fragments
When you have started developing the android apps the first thing that comes is the activity .Activity is a single screen consisting of elements related to user interface of the the development or the design Each application cannot go without having atleast one screen

It is like the activity is the one that holds the fragments this is the lightest component where a msingle fragment can be used in multiple fragments Both the activity and the fragments holds the control of the ui elements that are present in the app like the buttons, the text elements etc

Sqlite is the database that goes hand in hand with the android app development sqlite is a opens source database software where they can hold any kind of data like text,integer and the numbers
When you are using the sqlite with android the database statement remains same as that in sql when you are creating and updating the database

Threads are some thing that runs in the background when the user’s are interacting with the uo elements on the screen Threads are some thing that are used when app need to execute some task with out disturbing the tasks that run on the front end

Search it right on google
This is the most important thing where what ever difficulty you can find with development or testing or designing the app but the question has to framed very well and also to the point
When you google a question you find multiple forms of answers in terms of videos links and also through images


They should think of developing for the different devices
When said with the different devices they are with respect to the size and also with respect to the operating system through out the world by this you can also reach more people when you are doing that there might be many challenges that you will have to encounter For your apps to be successful you should make sure that the apps should be released in multiple languages,screensize and also for the different operating systems Developers can be achieve this my maintaining the density for each device typ and by multiple layouts

Choosing the libraries efficiently
The primary thing that the developers will have to do once you start the app development and libraries will always help you to get the work done at a faster pace That being said when you are choosing the libraries you should also consider the downside of some of the libraries and take some precautions,you should check weather they are customizable or not for the instance you arre releasing the update of the app for the newer version of the platform and then you find out that the library that you are using is not customizable for the particular version then you will be in the troubly because of that library Usually the libraries related to the user interface will not be customizable during such instances but most of the times the libraries related to the architecture are customizable

That is the reason that you should give a good research when you are using the library and some of the details that you can concentrate on while doing the research for the library is you will have to check the reviews form the developers about the library or check for the stars on the github etc

When you are developing the larger projects with the larger projects it is always better to have the deeper understanding of architecture and the experts should always have the habit to choose the best for the specific project When you are talking about the architecture there are a many architectures that are available

This is the critical stage that all th experts of the android app development have to look into there would be a lot of coding that would have gone into our project be and similarly there might arise the bugs and errors in the code the seniors should always have the ability to always test the app carefully to detect all the errors and make sure that the app is error or bug free when the final app is launched There are a two maint techniques to test the app Automated testing and the manual testing the testing type should be selected carefully and also the there are different tools for testing the apps the tools are also to be selected carefully while testing the apps

The above mention the hacks that both the developers of complete experience and also the new developers can fallow while they are developing the app and most of the mobile app development companies in dubai do fallow the same strategy while developing the apps these hacks makes sure that the app is also a big success

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