Typewriter-style Typing Animation For Vue.js


Just another Vue.js component to emulate the typing animation just like the typewriter.

Install & Download:

// npm

npm install vue-typewriter --save

// yarn

yarn add vue-typewriter


Import the component.

import Vue from 'vue'
import Typewriter from 'vue-typewriter'

The basic usage.

  Vue Typewriter is
new Vue({el: '#root'});

Default props.

words: {
  type: Array,
  default () {
    return []
interval: {
  type: Number,
  default: 200
speed: {
  type: Number,
  default: 300
cursor: {
  type: Boolean,
  default: true
cursorSymbol: {
  type: String,
  default: '|'
fullErase: {
  type: Boolean,
  default: false

Download Details:

Author: eduardostuart

Live Demo: https://eduardostuart.github.io/vue-typewriter/dist/

Download Link: https://github.com/eduardostuart/vue-typewriter/archive/master.zip

Official Website: https://github.com/eduardostuart/vue-typewriter

#vuejs #vue #vue-js #javascript

Typewriter-style Typing Animation For Vue.js
21.95 GEEK