The Angular framework is here around for almost ten years. It is introduced and used by Google to build robust software products. This framework is developed by the same team that created the AngularJs framework. Angular is the most popular framework and ranks in the top five amongst other web app development frameworks. Angular is famous because it is equipped with robust components that help developers create readable, easy-to-use, and maintainable codes. To use this modern Angular framework, having knowledge of TypeScript is necessary.

Today, we will gather some necessary information about Angular and know its pros and cons that can help you in deciding whether to use this framework for your next project or not.

What is Angular?

Angular is one of the most popular typescript-based web application frameworks that belongs to the JavaScript ecosystem. According to a survey by Statista, it is the third most used web framework by 25.1 % of the developers worldwide in the year 2020.

Angular was introduced by Google in the year 2009 with an extended community of companies and people. It helps in developing cross-platform, single-page, and performant applications. Angular works easily with other libraries and allows the developers to create a unique app.

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The Good and Bad of Angular Development
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