Coursera’s Machine Learning for Everyone (free access) fulfills two different kinds of unmet learner needs, for both the technology side and the business side, covering state-of-the-art techniques, business leadership best practices, and a wide range of common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Coursera’s Machine Learning for Everyone (free access) fulfills two different kinds of unmet learner needs. It’s a conceptually-complete, end-to-end course series – its three courses amount to the equivalent of a college or graduate-level course – that covers both the technology side and the business side. While fully accessible and understandable to business-level learners, it’s also also vital to data scientists and budding technical practitioners, since it covers:

  • The state-of-the-art techniques
  • The business leadership best practices
  • A wide range of common pitfalls and how to avoid them

#2020 sep news # education #coursera #courses #eric siegel #machine learning

Coursera’s Machine Learning for Everyone Fulfills Unmet Training Needs
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