A wonderful Double Menu UI Animation in & for React Native


A simple UI component/animation for double menu distribution in react native.

It’s so simple to use. You just need to pass the data (categories) for both of the columns/double menu

& it will render the same animation as below 😄


npm i react-native-vertical-distribution

Just import the DoubleMenu component from ‘react-native-vertical-distribution’ in your file:

import DoubleMenu from 'react-native-vertical-distribution';

And call it like this:

<DoubleMenu firstMenu={DATA1} secondMenu={DATA2} />

where, DATA1 & DATA2 are two array of objects for first and second menu/column respectively.

Download Details:

Author: raghiii

Source Code: https://github.com/raghiii/react-native-vertical-distribution

#react #react-native #mobile-apps

A wonderful Double Menu UI Animation in & for React Native
4.65 GEEK