Part 1



onverting the PDF file to text nowadays is not that hard as compared to the recent years and even converting the non-text PDF file is much easier. Today I’ll explain how to read couple of lines and numbers from each file instead of copy and past the Word file after converting it.

The Story

My mate was struggling every month during the monthly closing process (The closing here refer to the accounting books closing). I get closer to that area to understand the obstacle and to look to it from a different angle. After a while, I understood the case and started to find a solution and the solution was python.

  1. First Step

Image for post

have a look to the folder

You should study the folder and make sure that all files are PFD formats only. Even though you can solve this using endwith(.pdf)function, but let’s make it straight.

#pdf-converter #python #automation #xlwing #excel

Reading 100’s of PDF Files in 2 Minutes
2.25 GEEK