One developer, one month and one Flutter app in production. This is the story of building a Flutter production app in just one month with no prior experience in Flutter or Dart and launching it at Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona.

Some might say it’s crazy, but we say it’s the power of Flutter, a mobile SDK by Google that allows you to build native Android and iOS applications from a single code base. This is the Flutter diary from the perspective of a software engineer at Nevercode. From day one and picking up Flutter to the beautiful native-looking apps in Google Play Store and Apple App Store.


On December 4th at the Flutter Live event held in London, Google announced the release of Flutter 1.0, an open-source mobile toolkit for building native Android and iOS applications from a single code base. At the same event, Nevercode launched its dedicated continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) tool for Flutter applications named Codemagic.

#flutter #mcw'19

How we built Flutter app presented at MCW'19 in one month
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