As someone aspiring to be a Data Scientist I overlooked one of the most basic and important topic that is needed to become a Data Scientist which is Linear Programming. Linear Programming is simply a technique to depict complex relationships through linear functions and then find the optimum points or in layman’s terms performing optimisation of a problem. Optimisation is part of our daily lives as we have to live with a finite amount of resources as well as time and we need to make the most of it in order to survive. Optimisation could come in simple forms such as planning our shopping trip beforehand all the way up to creating an algorithm to connect airline passengers to their destination with all the travel restrictions during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Here I will go over a problem to help you better understand how to use Linear Programming for any problem.

NOTE: I am assuming that you are familiar with high school mathematics as I will not be going into detail explaining certain parts.

Github repository with more examples

The Snowball Problem

How big would a snowball be initially in order to knock down a tree after rolling down a hill after 30 seconds? Let’s assume it takes 25000N to knock down a tree.

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Linear Programming for Data Science
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