In this non-technical article, we will compare contextual search to the keyword based approach. For the former, we will utilise some of the recent developments in NLP to search through a large corpus of news. We will focus on explaining the differences, pros and cons of the approach vs its traditional counterpart.

This is a three part series on Search.

In Pt 1 — A gentle introduction one we provided an overview of the basic building blocks of search.

Finally, Pt 3 (Elastic Transformers) contains the purely technical considerations of how to build an index as an Elasticsearch engine with contextual text embeddings. For the current discussion, we will use some results from that search index.

In this article, we will

  • Understand how keyword and contextual searches compare and where the latest in NLP can help us with search
  • Consider some examples test out different queries and how the two differ
  • Finally, we will consider **pros and cons **of the approaches altogether

#nlp #transformers #artificial-intelligence #search #machine-learning

Search (Pt 2) — Semantic Horse Race
1.05 GEEK