Building a social network isn’t just a really cool project, but it’s also a project that can teach you a lot of new cool things. In this video we will begin by installing the software we need, creating a new Django project and build a simple Twitter clone piece by piece. At the end of this video, you will have a working social network that we will deploy to a live server.

This video assumes that you got basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It would also help if you have some prior experience with Django, but I try to explain things as good as I can, so hopefully no one should feel lost.

Most of this video will be for learning Django. But I really like the combination of Django and Vue, so I’m going to use this JavaScript framework for many different things like sending data to the backend, validation and similar.


  • Setup and create project
  • Create folders for structure and similar
  • Create app for core views
  • Create app for oinks
  • Create app for user profiles
  • Create base html files
  • Create front page with some information
  • Create login page
  • Create signup page
  • Create page for “my feed”
  • Make it possible to sign out
  • Make it possible to write an oink (Vue.js - Submit and append to list)
  • Make it possible to search for oinkers and oinks
  • Make it possible to follow an oinker (Vue.js - Send using Ajax)
  • Make it possible to see my followers / who I follow
  • Make it possible to see who other oinkers follows / are followed by
  • Add profile pictures
  • Make it possible to click on a user in the search results
  • Make it possible to click on a user in follows/followers
  • Get notifications in the menu
  • Make it possible to like an Oink
  • Add page for conversations
  • Make it possible to see a conversation
  • Make it possible to send a direct message (Vue.js - Submit and append to list)
  • Deploy to a server

#django #vue #javascript #python #web-development

How to Build a Simple Twitter Clone using Django and Vue.js
18.05 GEEK