Learn how to use MongoDB as a data source for your Go application using the mongo-go driver.

Before You Get Started

This tutorial assumes you have:

  • A basic understanding of Go Language
  • Latest GoLang version installed on your system
  • Latest MongoDB version installed on your system

In this tutorial, we will use the official MongoDB Go Driver to manage our MongoDB database. In the due process, we will write a program to learn how to install the MongoDB Go Driver and perform CRUD operations with it.


First in an empty folder run the below command

go mod init gomongo

go mod init creates a new go.mod file and automatically imports dependencies when you will run go program. Then create the file main.go and write the below code, We will explain what this code will do in a min.

package main

import (


// Book - We will be using this Book type to perform crud operations
type Book struct {
  Title     string
  Author    string
  ISBN      string
  Publisher string
  Copies     int

func main() {

  // Set client options
  clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017")

  // Connect to MongoDB
  client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOptions)

  if err != nil {

  // Check the connection
  err = client.Ping(context.TODO(), nil)

  if err != nil {

  fmt.Println("Connected to MongoDB!")
  booksCollection := client.Database("testdb").Collection("books")

In the above code, we have imported the bson, mongo, and mongo/options packages of mongo-driver and defined a Book type which will be used in this tutorial

#go #mongodb #database #developer

Using MongoDB as Datasource in GoLang
6.30 GEEK