Azure Cognitive Services Text Analytics is a great tool you can use to quickly evaluate a text data set for positive or negative sentiment. For example, a service provider can quickly and easily evaluate reviews as positive or negative and rank them based on the sentiment score detected.

As more and more businesses rely on electronic communications with their clients, understanding the overall sentiment attached to your product, service or image has never been more important. Sentiment analysis allow companies to automatically detect sentiment in any text (reviews, insurance claims, triaging etc) in a fast and highly scalable way.

My latest project was with a property management company with the aim of using the sentiment scores from client feedback on properties to identify and prioritise major issues, which enabled a quicker resolution to issues and improved customer service.

Today I’m going to go through how to use Azure Cognitive Services Text Analytics using Databricks PySpark Notebook to analyze the sentiment of COVID-19 Tweets and return sentiment scores and indicators as to whether it is a positive or negative tweet.

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Azure Cognitive Services Sentiment Analysis v3.0 using Databricks PySpark
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