Everyone who needs to automate the google trends part must know the pytrends library of python. We have a lot of information about it’s related queries, related keywords, interest over time and much more. But what if there are more than 5 keyword and still we need to find a most searched one from all the keywords.
So, let’s start with having 10 keywords in a list. We will start with grouping the first 5 and finding a middle ranking keyword. The link here will help you give a better understanding of how can google trends search works with more than 5 keywords. https://digitaljobstobedone.com/2017/07/10/how-do-you-compare-large-numbers-of-items-in-google-trends/.
Now what we are doing is automating this whole part just to reach to a conclusion of the result of the final most searched keyword. Initially, the first group will be of 5 keywords and then the list goes on with less than 5 keywords and a middle ranking keyword from the prior group. So let’s begin with the first part of our code.
#pandas-dataframe #python #google-trends #automation #keywords