No Git command cheat sheet  would be complete without a section on the Git  vocabulary, so we’ve included one to help you get to grips with how Git works and how the commands are run on various entities. In fact, let’s begin there:

Git Commands Cheat Sheet – Vocabulary

Git Command

What it Does

1Bare RepositoryRepository that doesn’t have a working directory.

2BranchAn active area of development in Git. The newest commit displays the end of the branch.

3BlameRefers to the most recent alteration to every line in the file. Shows Author, Revision, and Time.

4CheckoutThis is talking about the process whereby a particular commit is chosen from the repository and the condition of the file associated with it and the directory tree are reproduced in the working directory.

5CommitRecord of a moment in Git history containing details of a changeset.

6DiffThe difference in changes between saved changes or two Commits.

7Detached HeadThe state in which a specific commit is checked out rather than a branch.

8FetchRetrieves the most recent changes in the branch and the local or remote repositories.

9ForkWhen you Fork the repository, you can add Commits and add Pull Requests.

10HashA unique SHA1 code for each Commit

11HeadThe name of the Commit at the end of a Branch

12IndexA group of files that hold state information.

13MergeIncludes changes from named commits (from when their histories split from the current branch) into the current branch.

14MasterGit’s default development Branch

15OriginThis is the default Upstream Repository

16Pull RequestSuggests changes into the Master Branch

17PushPushes new changes once they’ve been committed

18RepositoryA group of Commits, Branches and Tags to identify Commits.

19Working TreeThe directory of files that you are currently working on

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The Most Common Git Commands
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