Building an AI Chatbot

AI ChatBotSource – zipwip

Now I will show you how you can build your own AI Chatbot using python. Now I will import the necessary libraries we need for this purpose:

#Importing modules
from chatterbot import ChatBot
from chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer
from chatterbot.trainers import ChatterBotCorpusTrainer

This chatbot will be based on some bank queries, to move further let’s make instances:

BankBot = ChatBot(name = 'BankBot',
                  read_only = False,                  
                  logic_adapters = ["chatterbot.logic.BestMatch"],                 
                  storage_adapter = "")

Training an AI Chatbot using Data

Training your chatbot using data is quite simple. To do that you need to instantiate a ChatterBotCorpusTrainer object. It will take the name of your objective as a parameter.

corpus_trainer = ChatterBotCorpusTrainer(BankBot)

You can also train a chatterbot on your custom instances. You can see how to do this below:

greet_conversation = [
    "Hi there!",
    "How are you doing?",
    "I'm doing great.",
    "That is good to hear",
    "Thank you.",
    "You're welcome."

open_timings_conversation = [
    "What time does the Bank open?",
    "The Bank opens at 9AM",

close_timings_conversation = [
    "What time does the Bank close?",
    "The Bank closes at 5PM",

#chatbot #machine learning #python

AI Chatbot with Python
3.85 GEEK