Boilerplate for stack-based websites (Deno, VueJS, Oak, and Mongo)

Stack DVOM

Boilerplate for websites based on (Deno, VueJS, Oak and Mongo)

0. Plan

0.1. Stack and Strategies

The main thing, the stack will be Almost-Stack JS, a homegrown term to refer to something like Full-Stack JS, but using its cousin Typescript for the backend side, and Javascript, for the frontend side. In this way we will have a robust backend and an agile design frontend. The strategies to focus on will be:

  1. HTML First
  2. Mobile First
  3. One web many screens: SPA (Single Page Applications).
  4. Offline First
  5. Proggresive Web App First: PWAS (Service Workers)


0.2 Agile project management tool

Since we selected Githubas our remote storage service for version control, it is good to take advantage of its functions as Github projectsfor the management of the project management in time. githubprojects

1. Build

1.1. Database

  • MongoDB in the cloud: Mongo Atlas mongoatlas

1.2. Backend

  • http-server: OakaboutDenoJS
  • Authentication by Json Web Token JWT deno-oak

1.3. Frontend

  • Package manager: npm
  • Framework for the construction of user interfaces: VueJS
  • State management pattern: Vuex frontend

2. Continuous integration

Automate the build of the application and all types of tests. To maintain consistency, when using Github, we will take advantage of one of its features using Github Actionsghactions

3. Operate

At this time it will not be included in the boilerplate.

4. Continuous feedback and tests

  • Test Framework: Jestjest

5. Deployment

5.1 Cloud service

  • Google Cloudwith Kubernetes(GKE) using images fromDocker

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Author: dkaerit

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#vuejs #deno #nodejs #javascript #vue

Boilerplate for stack-based websites (Deno, VueJS, Oak, and Mongo)
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