Leveraging the use of big data, as an insight-generating engine has driven the demand for data scientists at enterprise-level, across all industry verticals. Whether it is to refine the process of product development, improve customer retention, or mine through the data to find new business opportunities—organizations are increasingly relying on the expertise of data scientists to sustain, grow, and outdo their competition.

Consequently, as the demand for data scientists increases, the discipline presents an enticing career path for students and existing professionals. This includes those who are not data scientists but are obsessed with data, which has left them asking:

Skills Required to Become a Data Scientist

This article aims to answer this question. We will dive into the technical and non-technical skills that are critical for success in data science.

  • If you are a potential data scientist, you can use the information herein, to carve a successful career for yourself in data science.
  • If you are a data analytics director at an organization, you can leverage the information to train your existing team of data scientists, in order to make them more productive and efficient at their work.

This is an address for all those who love to wrangle and rumble with Big Data.

Technical Skills Required to Become a Data Scientist

Statistical analysis and the know-how of leveraging the power of computing frameworks to mine, process, and present the value out of the unstructured bulk of data is the most important technical skill required to become a data scientist.

This means that you need to be skilled in maths, programming, and statistics. One way of complying with the prerequisite is to have a resonating academic background.

Data scientists usually have a Ph.D. or Master’s Degree in statistics, computer science or engineering. This gives them a strong foundation to connect with the technical points that form the core of the practice in the field of data science.

There are some schools that now offer specialized programs tailored to the educational requirements for pursuing a career in data science.

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Top 6 Skills You Need to Master to Become a Data Scientist
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