TensorFlow is a free and open-source platform for machine learning built by Google. It is used by a number of organizations, including Twitter, PayPal, Intel, Lenovo, and Airbus.

TensorFlow can be installed system-wide, in a Python virtual environment, as a Docker container, or with Anaconda.

This tutorial explains how to install TensorFlow in a Python virtual environment on Ubuntu 20.04.

A virtual environment allows you to have multiple different isolated Python environments on a single computer and install a specific version of a module on a per-project basis, without worrying that it will affect your other Projects.

Installing TensorFlow on Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu 20.04 ships with Python 3.8 by default. You can verify that Python 3 is installed on your system by typing:

python3 -V

The output should look like this:

Python 3.8.2

The recommended way to create a virtual environment is by using the venv module, which is included in the python3-venv package.

To install the python3-venv package run the following command:

sudo apt install python3-venv python3-dev

Once the module is installed, you are ready to create a virtual environment for our TensorFlow project.

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How to Install TensorFlow on Ubuntu 20.04
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