How to add Native notifications to a Vue.js App

With the HTML5 Notification API, browsers can display native popup notifications to users. With notifications, you can display text and icons, and also play sound with them. The full list of options are located at Users have to grant permission to display notifications when they visit a web app to see browser notifications.

Developers have done the hard work for us if we use React because a React component is created to display browser notifications. The Vue-Native-Notification package, located at can let us display popups and handle the events that are associated with display the notifications like when use clicks on the notification or handle cases when permissions or granted or denied for display notifications.

In this article, we will build a password manager that lets you enter, edit and delete password to the websites and show notifications whenever these actions are taken. We will use Vue.js to build the app.

To start we create the project by running npx @vue/cli create password-manager . In the wizard, choose ‘Manually select features’ and choose to include Babel, Vue Router, and Vuex in our app.

Next we install some libraries we need. We need Axios for making HTTP requests, Bootstrap Vue for styling, V-Clipboard for the copy to clipboard functionality, Vue-Native-Notification for showing native browser notifications and Vee-Validate for form validation. We install them by running:

npm i axios bootstrap-vue v-clipboard vee-validate vue-native-notification

After we install the libraries, we can start building the app. First in the components folder, create a file called PasswordForm.vue for our password form. Then in there, we add:

  <ValidationObserver ref="observer" v-slot="{ invalid }">
    <b-form @submit.prevent="onSubmit" novalidate>
      <b-form-group label="Name">
        <ValidationProvider name="name" rules="required" v-slot="{ errors }">
            :state="errors.length == 0"
          <b-form-invalid-feedback :state="errors.length == 0">Name is requied.</b-form-invalid-feedback>
      <b-form-group label="URL">
        <ValidationProvider name="url" rules="required|url" v-slot="{ errors }">
            :state="errors.length == 0"
          <b-form-invalid-feedback :state="errors.length == 0">{{errors.join('. ')}}</b-form-invalid-feedback>
      <b-form-group label="Username">
        <ValidationProvider name="username" rules="required" v-slot="{ errors }">
            :state="errors.length == 0"
          <b-form-invalid-feedback :state="errors.length == 0">Username is requied.</b-form-invalid-feedback>
      <b-form-group label="Password">
        <ValidationProvider name="password" rules="required" v-slot="{ errors }">
            :state="errors.length == 0"
          <b-form-invalid-feedback :state="errors.length == 0">Password is requied.</b-form-invalid-feedback>
      <b-button type="submit" variant="primary" style="margin-right: 10px">Submit</b-button>
      <b-button type="reset" variant="danger" @click="cancel()">Cancel</b-button>
import { requestsMixin } from "@/mixins/requestsMixin";
export default {
  name: "PasswordForm",
  mixins: [requestsMixin],
  props: {
    edit: Boolean,
    password: Object
  methods: {
    async onSubmit() {
      const isValid = await this.$;
      if (!isValid) {
      if (this.edit) {
        await this.editPassword(this.form);
          "Password edited",
            body: "Password edited"
      } else {
        await this.addPassword(this.form);
          "Password added",
            body: "Password added"
      const response = await this.getPasswords();
    cancel() {
  data() {
    return {
      form: {}
  watch: {
    password: {
      handler(p) {
        this.form = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(p || {}));
      deep: true,
      immediate: true

We have the password form in this component. The form includes name, URL, username, and password fields. All of them are required. We use Vee-Validate to validate the form fields. The ValidationObserver component is for validating the whole form, while the ValidationProvider component is for validating the form fields that it wraps around. The validation rule is specified by the rule prop of each field. We have a special url rule for the URL field. We show the validation error messages when the errors object from the scope slot has a non-zero length. The state prop is for setting the validation state which shows the green when errors has length 0 and red otherwise. The error messages are shown in the b-form-invalid-feedback component.

When the user clicks to Save button, onSubmit function is called. We get the validation state of the form by using this.$; . The ref refers to the ref of the ValidationObserver . If it resolves to true , then we call addPassword or editPassword to save the entry depending on the edit prop. Then we get the passwords by calling getPasswords and then put it in our Vuex store by dispatching the setPasswords mutation. Then we emit the saved event to close the modal in the home page. The notifications are shown by calling this.$ , provided by Vue-Native-Notification. The first argument is the notification title, the second contains the body, and the third argument are optional event handlers that you can add if needed. The full list of event handlers are at

We have a watch block mainly used when an existing entry is being edited, we get the password prop and set it to this.form by making a copy of the prop so that we only update the form object and nothing when data is binding.

Next we create a mixins folder and add requestsMixin.js inside it. In the file, add:

const APIURL = "http://localhost:3000";
const axios = require("axios");
export const requestsMixin = {
  methods: {
    getPasswords() {
      return axios.get(`${APIURL}/passwords`);
addPassword(data) {
      return`${APIURL}/passwords`, data);
editPassword(data) {
      return axios.put(`${APIURL}/passwords/${}`, data);
deletePassword(id) {
      return axios.delete(`${APIURL}/passwords/${id}`);

This contains the code to make the HTTP requests in the back end. We include this mixin in our components so that we can make requests to back end from them.

Next in Home.vue , we replace the existing code with:

  <div class="page">
    <h1 class="text-center">Password Manager</h1>
      <b-button @click="openAddModal()">Add Password</b-button>
    <br />
    <b-table-simple responsive>
        <b-tr v-for="p in passwords" :key="">
              v-clipboard="() => p.username"
              @click="notify('Username copied', 'Username copied')"
            >Copy Username</b-button>
              v-clipboard="() => p.password"
              @click="notify('Password copied', 'Password copied')"
            >Copy Password</b-button>
            <b-button @click="openEditModal(p)">Edit</b-button>
            <b-button @click="deleteOnePassword(">Delete</b-button>
<b-modal id="add-modal" title="Add Password" hide-footer>
      <PasswordForm @saved="closeModal()" @cancelled="closeModal()" :edit="false"></PasswordForm>
<b-modal id="edit-modal" title="Edit Password" hide-footer>
import { requestsMixin } from "@/mixins/requestsMixin";
import PasswordForm from "@/components/PasswordForm";
export default {
  name: "home",
  components: {
  mixins: [requestsMixin],
  computed: {
    passwords() {
      return this.$store.state.passwords;
  beforeMount() {
  data() {
    return {
      selectedPassword: {}
  methods: {
    notify(title, body) {
    openAddModal() {
    openEditModal(password) {
      this.selectedPassword = password;
    closeModal() {
      this.selectedPassword = {};
    async deleteOnePassword(id) {
      await this.deletePassword(id);
        "Password deleted",
          body: "Password deleted"
    async getAllPasswords() {
      const response = await this.getPasswords();

In this file, we have a table to display a list of password entries and let users open and close the add and edit modals. We have buttons in each row to copy the username and passwords, and also to let users edit or delete each entry.

In the scripts section, we have the beforeMount hook to get all the password entries during page load with the getPasswords function we wrote in our mixin. When the Edit button is clicked, the selectedPassword variable is set, and we pass it to the PasswordForm for editing.

To delete a password, we call deletePassword in our mixin to make the request to the back end.

The copy to clipboard functionality is added here. For the copy username and password buttons, we use the v-clipboard directive to let us copy the username and password respectively to the clipboard when the button is clicked.

We have notifications for deleting an entry here. They are called the same as in PasswordForm . Also, we added a notify function so that we can show notifications when username or password are copied by click the respective buttons.

Next in App.vue , we replace the existing code with:

  <div id="app">
    <b-navbar toggleable="lg" type="dark" variant="info">
      <b-navbar-brand href="#">Password Manager</b-navbar-brand>
<b-navbar-toggle target="nav-collapse"></b-navbar-toggle>
<b-collapse id="nav-collapse" is-nav>
          <b-nav-item to="/" :active="path  == '/'">Home</b-nav-item>
    <router-view />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      path: this.$route && this.$route.path
  watch: {
    $route(route) {
      this.path = route.path;
<style lang="scss">
.page {
  padding: 20px;
button {
  margin-right: 10px;

to add a Bootstrap navigation bar to the top of our pages, and a router-view to display the routes we define.
Next in main.js , replace the code with:

import Vue from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import router from "./router";
import store from "./store";
import BootstrapVue from "bootstrap-vue";
import { ValidationProvider, extend, ValidationObserver } from "vee-validate";
import Clipboard from "v-clipboard";
import { required } from "vee-validate/dist/rules";
import VueNativeNotification from "vue-native-notification";
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";
import "bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css";
extend("required", required);
extend("url", {
  validate: value => {
    return /^(http:\/\/www\.|https:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|https:\/\/)?[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.*)?$/.test(
  message: "URL is invalid."
Vue.component("ValidationProvider", ValidationProvider);
Vue.component("ValidationObserver", ValidationObserver);
Vue.use(VueNativeNotification, {
  requestOnNotify: true
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

so that we add the libraries we installed to our app so we can use it in our components. We call extend from Vee-Validate to add the form validation rules that we want to use. Also, we add the V-Clipboard library here so we can use it in our home page.

We include the Vue-Native-Notification library here by adding:

Vue.use(VueNativeNotification, {
  requestOnNotify: true

The requestOnNotify settings is for showing the permission prompt when the first notification is made if set to true .

In router.js , we replace the existing code with:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import Home from './views/Home.vue'
export default new Router({
  mode: 'history',
  base: process.env.BASE_URL,
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      name: 'home',
      component: Home

to only include our home page.

Then in store.js , we replace the existing code with:

import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex";
export default new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    passwords: []
  mutations: {
    setPasswords(state, payload) {
      state.passwords = payload;
  actions: {}

to add our passwords state to the store so we can observer it in the computed block of PasswordForm and HomePage components. We have the setPasswords function to update the passwords state and we use it in the components by call this.$store.commit(“setPasswords”,; like we did in PasswordForm . Also, we imported the Bootstrap CSS in this file to get the styles.

Finally, in index.html , replace the existing code with:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />
    <link rel="icon" href="<%= BASE_URL %>favicon.ico" />
    <title>Password Manager</title>
        >We're sorry but vue-clipboard-tutorial-app doesn't work properly
        without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong
    <div id="app"></div>
    <!-- built files will be auto injected -->

to change the title.

After all the hard work, we can start our app by running npm start .

To start the back end, we first install the json-server package by running npm i json-server. Then, go to our project folder and run:

json-server --watch db.json

In db.json, change the text to:

  "passwords": [

So we have the passwords endpoints defined in the requests.js available.

After all the hard work, we get:

This is image title

This is image title

This is image title

This is image title

#vue-js #vue #javascript #programming

How to add Native notifications to a Vue.js App
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