This free eBook is a draft copy of the upcoming Statistics with Julia: Fundamentals for Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Interested in learning Julia for data science? This might be the best intro out there.

The majority of debates, discussions, and flame wars regarding the programming languages for data science tend to focus on Python and R. While these may be the 2 most used languages in the space, that doesn’t mean that they are the only options available, nor does it mean that they are even necessarily the “best” choices. One additional option, among many, is Julia, a fast, dynamic, open source general purpose programming language which is seen as a desirable data science skill to consider adopting.

One of the best introductions that I have encountered for using the language for data science is the book Statistics with Julia: Fundamentals for Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, written by Yoni Nazarathy and Hayden Klok, and currently in draft form. The book’s website can be found here, while its accompanying code examples are available in this GitHub repository.

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Statistics with Julia: The Free eBook
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