NVM is a command-line version manager for the Node.js programming language . With the help of nvm utility, you can install multiple node.js versions on a single machine. You can also choose specific Node version for applications. It also provides an option to auto select Node version using .nvmrc configuration file.
This tutorial will help you to install nvm on Debian 10 Linux system. It will also help you to install different Node version and other useful examples.
You can use a shell script to install NVM on Debian 10 Buster Linux system. Firstly, Open a terminal on your machine. For the remote machines connect via the SSH. Make sure your system have curl command line installed, then execute the nvm installer script on terminal.
sudo apt install curl
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
Above script makes all the required environment settings to login script of current logged in user. To apply the settings logout and login again to account or just execute below command to do the same.
source ~/.profile
#nodejs #debian 10 #node #node.js #nvm