Problem statement

To create a CLI command, which can create a boilerplate for me(like how vue create does). But for my use case, I want to add some predefined packages, scripts, husky. To enforce some rules (best practices), So everyone in my organization will be on the same page.
And also, to allow the developer to select some inhouse npm packages so that based on the selection, those packages will be installed, and even some code will be injected into the files dynamically.

Why I am writing this article

To achieve the above problem statement, I researched a lot and came to know about vue-CLI-plugin-development, which has excellent documentation but a lack of good examples. So I thought of writing one article which can help you to solve some of the things when you are building a CLI plugin. Let us start.

#vuejs #vue #vue-cli #vue-plugin

Vue CLI plugin development.
1.80 GEEK