Each year, the tech industry evolves at a fast pace. Different trends emerge based on popularity and their comprehensiveness. A technology trend that sprang up last year may not even exist this year. Therefore, when we deal with such a rapidly changing ecosystem, it is vital to know the industry trends.

The purpose of this article is not to suggest the best frameworks or libraries. Instead, I will look at the past, present, and future of these so that you can make effective decisions for your future projects. Besides, most of these are likely to be among us for the next couple of years.

I will be providing a comparison of a few JavaScript frameworks based on the following facts.

  • Keeps growing and is maintained up to date — probably will be maintained in the foreseeable future too.
  • Considered popular based on some reliable sites such as GitHub, NPM trends, Google Trends, etc.)
  • Has a large active community around it.

1. React.js — Skyrocketing Usage

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Source: reactjs.org

React.js is an open-source front-end library that was created by a team of Facebook developers in 2011. Having been evolved over 9 years, it can be considered one of the most popular front-end libraries. It became open-source in 2013.

React introduced a component-based, reactive, functional programming style for frontend development, which changed the course for Single Page Applications.

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Top 5 JavaScript Frameworks: Trends and Prospects
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