In this article, we will be focusing on Class and Object in C++. So, let us begin!

Object-Oriented Programming Pillars – Class and Object in C++

Object Oriented Programming Paradigm deals with the functioning of a model based on the objective representation of the attributes and behavior of an entity.

In programming terms, an attribute is a variable that depicts a certain trait or behavior through the methods, also known as functions. Object-Oriented Programming combines the attributes and behavior of an entity.

The important pillars of Object Oriented Programming are as follows–

  • Class
  • Object

Class combines the functions, variables, and other paradigms of programming into a single unit and that is represented through objects.

So, having understood the overview of Classes and Objects, let us now dive deep into the concepts of Classes and Objects in C++.

Classes in C++

Class is a user-defined data type that clubs attributes and behavior entities together and represents it as a single unit altogether.

A Class consists of the following members:

  • data variables
  • functions

The data members and methods of the class can be accessed through objects which will be covered in the later part of this article.

Classes are a blueprint of objects. That is, let us consider an example:

If we were to build a new model of car, at first, we would draw the sketch of the car wherein we provide the details of all the features of the car. Thus, Class can be considered as the sketch of the car and here Car is the actual Object.

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Class and Object in C++ - A complete overview
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