This Monday, I took the day off to take advantage of the good weather and go to do a route with the bike since I have not taken almost any day off this year. When I was going to the route’s starting point, I got an email saying that an important module of our product had stopped working. This ruined my day because I spent the whole route thinking about the problem. In this profession, many things can always happen, and this has motivated this list.

Enjoy it!

1. Random bugs

2. IE11 and make the code work in older browsers

3. The unsolvable error

4. Bugs that appear at the worst possible moment

5. The bug resides in third-party code

6. The day of the bugs

7. Troubleshoot code from other developers

8. Not everything is on the internet

9. Lack of any documentation

10. The change in the requirements of a project

11. Taking over an old project and having to maintain it

12. Pressure from those who don’t understand what you are doing

13. Monotonous projects

14. Constant change of focus

15. The missing code

16. The cache

17. Little time to delve into anything

18. Have a meeting when you are solving something

19. Your O.S or your computer crashes at the worst moment


The 19 Worst Things about Being a Software Developer
1.30 GEEK