Here are 10 vanilla javascript projects for beginners and intermediates. Upgrade your javascript skills with these projects.


1:To Do List With Javascript | Step by Step Javascript Project

Create a to do list app with javascript with 5 easy steps. This project is created with vanilla javascript and best for javascript intermediates. Source code available for download for free.

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2: Age Calculator | Javascript Project With Source Code

Create a calculator with javascript that calculates your age in years, months and days. A step by step easy tutorial on how you can create an age calculator in javascript.

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3: Random Background Color On Click With Javascript

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4: BMI Calculator With Javascript

Create a BMI calculator app with javascript. A step by step javascript project that calculates Body Mass Index and provides you a category based on your weight.

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5: Rock Paper Scissor Game Javascript

Rock, paper, scissor game created with vanilla javascript. Create this RPS game with 5 easy steps.

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6: Temperature Converter With HTML, CSS and Javascript

Create a temperature converter that converts celsius to fahrenhiet and fahrenheit to celsius. This temperature conversion uses a simple and straightforward logic.

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7: Easy Digital Clock | HTML, CSS & Javascript

Learn how you can create a 24-hr format digital clock with javascript. This is a beginner friendly, quick and easy javascript project.

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8: RGB Color Slider | HTML, CSS, Javascript

Create a RGB Color changer using HTML, CSS and JS. This javascript mini project is beginner friendly and interesting.

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9: Profile Card UI With Dynamic Theme Colors | Theme Switcher

Change color theme of a card using simple HTML, CSS, Javascript. You can change the theme to 5 beautiful colors with this javascript project.

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10: Create A Stopwatch Using Javascript

Create a stopwatch using HTML, CSS and Vanila Javascript. This project is for JS Beginners to Intermediates.

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10 JavaScript Projects With Source Code For Beginners
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