Build a monitoring dashboard with AJAX, Promise and React Hooks

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By reading this piece, you will learn to create a simple React-based monitoring dashboard which shows the air quality information based on a city selected by the users. Here is an example of the monitoring dashboard.

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We are going to utilize AJAX, Promise and React Hooks for this tutorial.

1. React Hooks

For your information, React Hooks are

“… a new addition in React 16.8. They let you use state and other React features without writing a class.”

Hooks is a powerful feature in the latest version of React as it offers a standardized and re-usable approach which cannot be done via classes. Hooks provide a mean to extract logic and state from a component. You can reuse the logic and state independently without the need to change the hierarchy of your component.

By default, React provides us with two types of hooks:

  • State Hook
  • Effect Hook

#react #air-quality #javascript #react-hook #web-development

Simplifying Air Quality Data Fetching with React Hooks
1.55 GEEK