Regular expressions or regex puts a lot of people off, just because of its look at first glance. But once you master this it will open a whole new different level of doing string manipulation and the best part of it is that it can be used with mostly all of the programming language as well as with Linux commands. It can be used to find any kind of pattern that you can think of within the text and once you find the text you can do pretty much whatever you want to do with that text. By this example, you can get an idea of how powerful and useful regex is.
What is Regex?
If you are reading this post then most probably you already know what a regex is, if you don’t know here is a quick and easy definition
Regex stands for Regular Expression and is essentially an easy way to define a pattern of characters. The most common use of regex is in pattern identification, text mining, or input validation.

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Regular Expression Complete Guide
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