Helm is a Kubernetes package manager that helps you find, share, and use software built for Kubernetes. With Helm Charts, you can bundle Kubernetes deployments into a single package you can install by running a single command. At LOGIQ, we use Helm Charts on the regular. One of our favorite Helm Charts is logiq – the same Helm Chart we use for quick deployments of the LOGIQ observability platform for customers, prospects, and folks who’d love to know more about what we’re building.

This article will explain how you can deploy your favorite Helm Chart on MicroK8s in under 5 minutes.

What is MicroK8s?

MicroK8s is a lightweight, pure-upstream Kubernetes aiming to reduce entry barriers for K8s and cloud-native application development. It comes in a single package that installs a single-node (standalone) K8s cluster in under 60 seconds. While MicroK8s has all the Kubernetes core components, it is also opinionated, which means that many of the add-ons you would typically look for in Kubernetes, such as DNS, Helm, registry, storage, etc. are all a single command away.

What is LOGIQ?

LOGIQ is a complete observability platform for monitoring, log aggregation, and analytics with an infinite storage scale that aims to bring simple and powerful logging to the masses. LOGIQ uses AWS S3 (or S3-compatible storage) for data at rest and allows the sending of logs from Kubernetes, on-prem servers, or cloud VMs with ease.

#devops #kubernetes #observability #helm #helm charts #microk8s #monitoring for kubernetes

Run your favorite Helm Chart using MicroK8s in 5 minutes
1.20 GEEK