
In cloud-based environments, there are multiple ways to scale and secure a Django application. By scaling horizontally, and running several copies of your app, you can build a more fault-tolerant and highly-available system, while also increasing its throughput so that requests can be processed simultaneously. One way to horizontally scale a Django app is to provision additional app servers that run your Django application and its WSGI HTTP server (like Gunicorn or uWSGI). To route and distribute incoming requests across this set of app servers, you can use a load balancer and reverse proxy like Nginx. Nginx can also cache static content and terminate Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections, used to provide HTTPS and secure connections to your app.

Running your Django application and Nginx proxy inside of Docker containers ensures that these components behave the same way regardless of the environment they are deployed into. In addition, containers provide many features that facilitate packaging and configuring your application.

In this tutorial, you’ll horizontally scale a containerized Django and Gunicorn Polls application by provisioning two application servers that will each run a copy of a Django and Gunicorn app container.

You’ll also enable HTTPS by provisioning and configuring a third proxy server that will run an Nginx reverse proxy container and a Certbot client container. Certbot will provision TLS certificates for Nginx from the Let’s Encrypt certificate authority. This will ensure that your site receives a high security rating from SSL Labs. This proxy server will receive all of your app’s external requests and sit in front of the two upstream Django application servers. Finally, you’ll harden this distributed system by restricting external access to only the proxy server.


To follow this tutorial, you will need:

  • Three Ubuntu 18.04 servers:
  • Two servers will be application servers, used to run your Django and Gunicorn app.
  • One server will be a proxy server, used to run Nginx and Certbot.
  • All should have a non-root user with sudo privileges, and an active firewall. For guidance on how to set these up, please see this Initial Server Setup guide.
  • Docker installed on all three servers. For guidance on installing Docker, follow Steps 1 and 2 of How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 18.04.
  • A registered domain name. This tutorial will use throughout. You can get one for free at Freenom, or use the domain registrar of your choice.
  • An A DNS record with pointing to your proxy server’s public IP address. You can follow this introduction to DigitalOcean DNS for details on how to add it to a DigitalOcean account, if that’s what you’re using.
  • An S3 object storage bucket such as a DigitalOcean Space to store your Django project’s static files and a set of Access Keys for this Space. To learn how to create a Space, consult the How to Create Spaces product documentation. To learn how to create Access Keys for Spaces, consult Sharing Access to Spaces with Access Keys. With minor changes, you can use any object storage service that the django-storages plugin supports.
  • A DigitalOcean Managed PostgreSQL cluster. To learn how to create a cluster, consult the DigitalOcean Managed Databases product documentation. With minor changes, you can use any database that Django supports.
  • A PostgreSQL database called polls (or another memorable name to input in your config files below) and user for your Django app. For guidance on creating these, follow Step 1 of How to Build a Django and Gunicorn Application with Docker. You can perform these steps from any of the three servers.

#django #python #docker #nginx

How to Scale and Secure a Django Application with Docker, Nginx and Let's Encrypt
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