Or… When you’re working on a static site and GitHub Pages feels like the perfect hosting solution, since you like having everything in one place and then you realize you need an additional environment but you still don’t want to use anything but GitHub… Here’s what you can do.

This is a “special needs” article but also a general introduction to GitHub Actions.

Since the advent of Single Page Applications the requirements for hosting have been reduced to a minimum. Anything that can serve a static HTML file will do the job just fine and the browser, bombarded with Javascript, does the heavy lifting. High availability and security is a totally different topic of course but in this case I believe GitHub has you covered.

With Pages GitHub offers a very convenient service for hosting such an app. You push to your repository and GitHub updates the deployment for you. You even get a nice subdomain like username.github.io or you can connect your own domain. There’s just one downside.

If your project is not just a literally very static website but an actual “app” and you are working together with other people, you probably want to have multiple deployments, like a development and a staging environment. The problem is… A repository on GitHub can only have a single GitHub Page instance and you probably don’t want to maintain a mirror repository for each of your environments, so you’ll end up using an external hosting service and then you start questioning GitHub Pages as your preferred hosting solution all together. In this article I will show you what I did to “stay on GitHub“.

GitHub Actions & Workflows

Not only does GitHub offer free hosting but also free and pretty flexible and powerful workflow automation with  GitHub Actions. If you are not already familiar with CI/CD and GitHub Actions in particular, I recommend you to change that asap. I ignored this topic for far too long but now I’m a huge fan. It simply gives you superpowers.

I’ll try to give you a brief but effective introduction:

GitHub runs virtual machines that act as task runners for your projects. Those tasks can either run on a schedule, as a cronjob, or get  triggered by events that occur on GitHub, like pushing commits to a branch, opening or closing issues or commenting on them, to name some common ones. These tasks can be comprised of multiple steps that can be chained together and depend on one another, hence the term Workflows. The terminology is the following: Workflows have one or more jobs, each with one or more steps, which can make use of an action, which can have inputs and outputs.

Actions are the “atoms” a workflow is made of, so to say. An action is a repository on GitHub, containing an action.yml file, describing its inputs and outputs. That means an action can basically do anything you want. It is worth mentioning though, that you actually don’t even have to use actions in your workflows at all. You can also just run arbitrary commands on the operating system the workflow runs on and sometimes that is all you need. You can think of GitHub Workflows simply as… “executing stuff” on a virtual machine that GitHub spawns for you on demand.

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Multiple Environments With GitHub Pages
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