If you’ve always heard about Docker and how much awesome it is and all developers are using here and there and always to find a quick guide deep into docker from scratch to fully understand and quickly get up and running with Docker and start putting together custom built images and containers. You will also learn how to take your Full Stack Web Application that is built on any stack (React.js, Node.js, PHP, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Nginx, Ruby, GO) and Dockerize it using docker-compose services with integrated file and single run command to get the whole stack up and running with ease and fewer complexities. We’ll be creating a custom Dockerfile for building custom Node.js and React.js Application and using them with custom docker-compose YML config.

⭐ Timestamps ⭐
00:00 What is Docker and What’ll Learn
07:17 Getting Started with Docker and Installing the Docker Engine
14:47 How Docker works in a nutshell
17:38 Docker CLI and Most used Commands you need to know
25:53 Run docker images as Containers (Isolated OSs)
29:45 Run Postgres Database on a Docker container
42:58 Dockerizing Full Stack Web App Node with React
48:23 Creating Dockerfiles for the Node API and the React Client
57:54 Building App Images using the dockerfile
01:01:14 Using docker-compose to build all services with single command
01:06:37 Adding Postgres Database Docker Service to docker-compose
01:12:53 Adding API service to docker-compose for building & running API image
01:16:38 Adding Client service to docker-compose
01:19:18 Bulding the whole Website stack with docker-compose
01:20:37 Running all built images with docker-compose

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Docker w\ Linux from Zero to Hero | Dockerizing Full Stack Web App REACTJS & NODEJS w/docker-compose
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