18 Awesome React Native Miscellaneous Libraries You Should Know

1. React Native Dynamic Splash

React Native dynamic launch page (advertisement page), support for Android and iOS

"React Native Dynamic Splash"

2. React Native Wowza Gocoder

React Native Wrapper for the Wowza GoCoder SDK

This is a Native Module for React Native that allows integration of Wowza’s GoCoder SDK in less time. !Note* we require RN 0.42+ and GoCoderSDK 1.5.+ for this to work!

"React Native Wowza Gocoder"

3.Typescript React Native Starter

Typescript React Native Starter
A highly scalable foundation with a focus on best pratices and simplicity to start your React Native project in seconds.

"Typescript React Native Starter"

4.React Native Helpers

Easy to use & awesome helpers for React Native.

"React Native Helpers"

5.React Native Dynamic Splash

React Native dynamic launch page (advertisement page), support for Android and iOS

"React Native Dynamic Splash"

6.React Native Normalized

Components that behave more consistently between IOS and Android

React Native’s built-in components render slightly different on iOS and Android, causing you to spend extra time making the UI more consistent across devices. For example, did you know that when you create a fresh project using react-native init, the color of a

This project provides you with slightly adjusted adaptions of built-in React Native components with the goal of being more consistent between platforms. Think of it as normalize.css for React Native.

To be clear, these are not bugs in React Native, rather RN opts to preserve the default behavior on each platform as much as possible. Nonetheless, you might prefer to use components that behave more consistently.

"React Native Normalized"

7. React Native Component Cli

Many repositories of react native component are not well structured and missing basic parts in CI / CD workflow including development setup, testing, lint… react-native-component-cli helps to instantly scaffold a react-native-component project with following features:

  1. Dev locally - Easy local dev with minimum dependencies
  2. Test - Fully test your component with Enzyme
  3. Lint - Lint source code with ready-to-go rules
  4. Stock - No unofficial 3rd Party Lib involved / Stock React Native Dev Experience

"React Native Component Cli"


React-native iOS application feed reader powered by NewsAPI.org.


  • App state managed with Redux
  • Async fetch with Redux Thunk
  • Use Redux Logger
  • Animations powered by Lottie


9.Nornj React Native Counter

Minimal implement of redux counter example on ReactNative iOS and Android

"Nornj React Native Counter"

10.React Native Useful Screens

A set of screens with headers for React Native. Set of screen boilerplates for React Native

"React Native Useful Screens"

11.React Native App Settings

Cross-Platform React Native module exposing native application settings.

"React Native App Settings"

12.React Native Simple Stepper

A super simple react-native implementation of the UIStepper control from iOS .A super simple react-native implementation of the UIStepper control from iOS with added customization and flexibility.

"React Native Simple Stepper"

13.React Native Gplaces

React Native library for utilizing Google’s Autocomplete for Places.

"React Native Gplaces"

14.React Native Siri Shortcut

A React Native package for using iOS 12+ Siri Shortcuts

This package is safe-guarded for Android, so you can freely call these functions and they won’t crash your Android app. But be careful because the calls don’t throw any errors, so don’t always assume your action was actually successful if it doesn’t error out. Always check if, in case of success, the platform is iOS.

"React Native Siri Shortcut"

15.Eslint Plugin React Native

React Native specific linting rules for ESLint. This repository is structured like (and contains code from) the excellent eslint-plugin-react.

"Eslint Plugin React Native"

16.React Native Global Props

A simple javascript implementation to add custom, default props to react-native components.

"React Native Global Props"

17.Carnival Sdk React Native

The Carnival SDK for React Native Apps.

React Native wrapper for the Carnival.io Android and iOS SDKs.

"Carnival Sdk React Native"

18. React Native Nfc Manager

React Native NFC module for Android & iOS
Bring NFC feature to React Native. Inspired by phonegap-nfc and react-native-ble-manager

"React Native Nfc Manager"

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18 Awesome  React Native Miscellaneous Libraries You Should Know
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