A team of scientists at NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre (GSFC) has designed a new AI system that can decide which data it can transmit home.

Since its initiation, AI has captured the attention of the world owing to its wide range of capabilities. Even NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has been planning to enlist AI for future space exploration and other programs. Recently in June 2020, the American space agency announced that it has been training the system of AI that will aid scientists in their quest to look for signs of ancient life on Mars and other planets and moons. The program will be spearheaded by the European Space Agency (ESA) Rosalind Franklin ‘ExoMars’ rover mission. It will be heading for the red planet in 2022/23, before moving beyond to moons such as Jupiter’s Europa, and of Saturn’s Enceladus and Titan.

#artificial intelligence

NASA to Use AI in Its Future Rover Missions to Mars And Beyond
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