When you are in the technology development industry, it is important to always keep your website updated. Keeping an old website for a quite long time can affect the user engagement of your website. Most importantly, an old website can create a great drawback when ranking in the Google search engine. In order to convert your visitor into a reliable customer, you will need to deliver highly personalized content through a high-end user interface and a seamless user experience.

Redesigning your website becomes essential to your company when you are looking for new strategies to implement to your website marketing. You then need to consider current developments in renovation and remove the outdated and redundant layout. When redesigning, you can make UI improvements, site performance enhancement, which then results in improved Google ranking, culminates more traction, and a powerful web platform. However, these things seem to naturally happen when a strategic approach meets top-notch design.

Here are the 10 most important points to consider when redesigning your website.

1. Responsive Design

Make sure that the web design is responsive to devices of all sizes that include mobile, tablet, and desktops which is the foremost criteria that you should consider. Instead of creating a separate mobile-friendly, opt for responsive web layouts. In reality, it makes the company content and design available in the web and mobile with higher precision. Today, people spend 90 % of their time on mobile internet. After evaluating user activity, Google launched its Mobile First Index Algorithm. This means that a mobile-friendly website is now indeed one of the main factors in improving the Google ranking of your company website.

2. Easy Navigation

As a guide to a tourist, your website should also ensure easy navigation by helping users with easy touring that shows a glimpse of your services or products. When it comes to navigation UX and UI experts recommend keeping your navigation menu at the top of your website or as a hamburger menu also known as navigation slide. Because even if the user spends only 10 seconds to glance over your services or products, this setup makes it easy for the users to navigate through all the major elements of your website.

3. Enhance Website Performance

If you are counting the user experience and search engine rankings as one of the major converting factors for your website, there is no doubt that the speed and performance of the website plays a significant role in it. It can drastically improve the user experience and search engine rankings as it is considered as a crucial factor in google ranking algorithm.

#Fact: An increase in the website speed from 8 to 2 seconds can boost your conversion rate by 74%

The first step to optimizing the loading time of your website is image compression and it considered helpful for most of the websites. There are tons of tools available to compress images without compromising the quality of the image. The other best suggestion is to minify the necessary code and remove the unwanted code (This works the same for some layouts too) from the website that takes too long to load.

#web development

10 Most Important Points to Consider While Redesigning Your Website
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