How can i use handlebars data in front end js variable

I'm trying to create the exact effect below (but on a pop up modal). I got it to work so far but the html is broken (img tags not closed). And if I fix the img tags the perspective effect goes away. Can someone explain why and show me how to fix it please? I have perspective:100px on the main wrapper as per this article

var lFollowX = 0,
    lFollowY = 0,
    x = 0,
    y = 0,
    friction = 1 / 30;

function moveBackground() {
x += (lFollowX - x) * friction;
y += (lFollowY - y) * friction;

translate = ‘translate(’ + x + 'px, ’ + y + ‘px) scale(1.1)’;

‘-webit-transform’: translate,
‘-moz-transform’: translate,
‘transform’: translate


$(window).on(‘mousemove click’, function(e) {

var lMouseX = Math.max(-100, Math.min(100, $(window).width() / 2 - e.clientX));
var lMouseY = Math.max(-100, Math.min(100, $(window).height() / 2 - e.clientY));
lFollowX = (20 * lMouseX) / 100; // 100 : 12 = lMouxeX : lFollow
lFollowY = (10 * lMouseY) / 100;


body {
height: 100vh;

.wrap {
background-color: #0F2044;
-webkit-perspective: 100px;
perspective: 100px;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.wrap .bg {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: -1;
-webkit-transform: scale(1.1);
transform: scale(1.1);
<script src=“”></script>
<div class=“wrap”>

<div class=“bg”>
<img class=“front” src=“
<div class=“bg”>
<img class=“front” src=“
<div class=“bg”>
<img class=“front” src=“


#javascript #jquery #html #css

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