This video on Angular vs AngularJS differentiates between the two frameworks. Although Angular and AngularJS are used interchangeably, they are significantly different. JavaScript based AngularJS was the first ever released version. However, the subsequent version are the TypeScript based Angular framework.

Here is the list of topics covered in this Angular vs AngularJS video -

  • 00:00 What is Angular?
  • 01:37 What is AngularJS?
  • 02:00 Angular vs AngularJS

What is AngularJS?
In 2009, AngularJS was initially developed by Misko Heavery and had a motive to ease the development and thereby, the testing process of web applications. It was developed to address the challenges faced in forming Single Page Applications.

What is Angular?
Angular is an open-source, JavaScript framework written in TypeScript. It is maintained by Google and provides a standard structure for developers to work with. It enables users to develop large applications in a maintainable manner.

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Angular vs AngularJS | Difference Between Angular And AngularJS | Angular Training
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