React Chat GPT Text: Build AI-Powered Chatbots with Ease

Welcome to react-chatgpt-text 👋

Add the typing effect like the AI type in the website of the ChatGPT. A typewriter, which generates the type effect like the ChatGPT website's like AI typing, with thinking. Here are lots of features that you can use, ie. thinking delay, typing delay, minimum typing delay, maximum typing delay.

All the value you pass should be in Millisecond, you can download the extension : 👉 Milliseconds


npm i gpt-type-effect
yarn add gpt-type-effect

demo image


  • Typing Delay
  • Thinking Delay

Example Props

Configuration Settings


  • The minTypeDelay setting controls the minimum delay between each simulated keystroke during user input emulation.
  • Specify a value in milliseconds to set the minimum delay.
  • A longer delay slows down the typing simulation, while a shorter delay speeds it up.


  • The maxTypeDelay setting determines the maximum delay between each simulated keystroke during user input emulation.
  • Specify a value in milliseconds to set the maximum delay.
  • A longer delay introduces more pauses between keystrokes, while a shorter delay speeds up the typing simulation.


  • The thinkingDelay setting defines the delay introduced when simulating a pause or "thinking" state during user input emulation.
  • Specify a value in milliseconds to set the duration of the "thinking" pause.
  • This pause simulates the moments when the user pauses to think before typing the next input.

Checkout 👉 Milliseconds


👤 Nischal Dahal

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--- powered by @neeswebservices

Download Details:

Author: broisnischal
Source Code: 
License: MIT license

#gpt #react #chatgpt #text 

React Chat GPT Text: Build AI-Powered Chatbots with Ease
1.45 GEEK