Progressive web apps are changing the way we understand applications by providing an app-like experience in the web form. It was a way of describing applications that take advantage of new features supported by modern browsers, including service workers and web app manifests, and also lets users upgrade web apps to progressive web applications regardless of their native operating system.

But PWAs have been linked with several privacy concerns over the years. This had led to Apple blocking several PWA features on Safari.

Nevertheless, other browsers such as Chrome and Firefox had continued to support the development of PWAs immensely.

Recently, Mozilla had released Firefox 85 which was aimed at protecting against supercookies. This version also appears to have dropped support for an essential feature for desktop PWAs. Let’s have a look at what it is.

What Was Dropped?

Firefox is dropping an experimental feature that supports installing Progressive Web Apps to the desktop. This feature is known as Site Specific Browser — SSB.

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Is It the Beginning of the End for PWAs?
3.00 GEEK