Apache JMeter [for load testing on database] If we want to do accurate testing then you should get first knowledge of database tables, structure. Once we are familiar with the database which we are going to test, then we can test the database more accurately and in more detail. Testing Database as a Manual Tester For automation database testing we will need to write a script. Testing Database with respect to Specific Database (For Example – MYSQL ) Testing corresponding to SQL database is performed at the bottom of the database under the Demo portion. So for this, we can refer to Demo section, which is written especially for SQL Database.

Test-Driven Database Development (TDD) is a software development process which includes test-first development. It means that the developer first writes a fully automated test case before writing the production code to fulfill that test and refactoring.This article will give an overview of Test Driven Database Development and Database Unit Testing.

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Database Unit Testing and Test-Driven Database Development
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